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Changes to Drive Right

It is with a heavy heart & deep regret I have to annouce that Mark will not be continuing as an instructor, sometimes in life the unexpected happens, due to ill health Mark has had to retire from work, I really can't express enough my gratitude to him for helping Drive Right grow to the school it is today, I have taken on all the pupils he had with tests booked & I must say the standard of his teaching I have found to be of the highest order.

Mark joined me when he returned to the area from Yorkshire, he was looking for a job, I just knew he had the right attitude, humour & fortitude to step up to the plate, he took his pt1 theory test & then I helped him prepare for his pt2, a test of driving ability of the highest order, then came pt3, a test of your teaching ability, while I did what I could to help with this, being brothers we tended to lark about quite a bit 🤣, so he went to a pt3 specialist teacher, after 40hrs I had no hesitation in placing him on a "pink badge", this enabled him to teach at a lower price than a normal instructor, he took to this like a duck to water & it was no surprise when his diary filled up in just a few days, after he passed his pt3 & became fully qualified & loved every minute.

I will miss seeing Mark on the road teaching, as we passed each other we used to wave frantically to each other causing much mirth between us & our pupils, as we met outside work quite often we would chat about all the daft & silly things we encountered in our working life, Mark is without doubt the funniest guy around, his pupils will testify to this I'm sure & my heart is broken at what has transpired.

Phillip - love you bro, sad times


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