Taking your theory test
Get to test centre 15 mins early as requested, they give you an A4 sheet of rules to read, then ask you to put everything into a locker (watches, keys etc), your then shown into the room which is dimly lit, lovely and quiet (peaceful), I advise you sit at your computer screen, close your eyes and relax, take in the quiet, when ready click to start the questions, read once then look at answers, THEN read question again properly, you will see that 2 answers are wrong, so you now reduce your chances of getting this wrong, of the 2 answers left one is right, one is possibly right, guess which you should pick 👌, any your unsure about you can flag and go back to, then when done, GO THROUGH THE QUESTIONS AGAIN, at home a full theory test takes 20 mins, they give you 1hr to complete, so use the time given, when questions are done it will ask “do you want a break before starting hazard perception”, up to you, if you do a countdown clock will start, 2 mins break, can’t leave just relax, when hazard starts it keeps going till all 14 videos are done, remember 1 video has 2 hazards so keep looking and clicking for hazards as you see them, when done go to desk and a computer printout will be handed to you with the result. Good luck, take your time. Phillip